Image Cabrach Ruin Strathdon TO3347306JHP by Jim Henderson

Scotland > Aberdeenshire > Cabrach Ruin Strathdon TO3347306JHP
This gallery includes rural, scenic and landscape subjects of the Shire, including Kincardineshire, Mearns, Garioch, Buchan Strathbogie and Mar.
Cabrach Ruin Strathdon TO3347306JHP 
 The Cabrach moor on the road from Rhynie to Dufftown offer some of Aberdeenshire and Morayshire bleakest landscapes especially during a nasty winter day. A few ruined crofts or farms can be seen and evidence of past Highland clearances as well as illustrating the hard life of farming in this unfertile moorland where in today’s harsh economic climate even sheep farming is a struggle. 
 Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Highlands, Cabrach, Strathdon, rural, landscape, spring, ruined, ruins, house, windswept, granite, stone, roofless, desolate, hill, Creagdearg, Longlands, Whitehillock, Elrick, heather, moorland, land-use, barren, grass, rugged, sheep, clearances, derelict, farm, farms, farming, agriculture, hill, rugged, hard
© Jim Henderson
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Photographer: Jim Henderson
Collection: Aberdeenshire
Cabrach Ruin Strathdon TO3347306JHP
Upload Date: 2006-05-09 08:11:46
Photo Size: 10mb 5013x3354 pixels
  comp 840x562


The Cabrach moor on the road from Rhynie to Dufftown

offer some of Aberdeenshire and Morayshire bleakest landscapes especially during a nasty winter day. A few ruined crofts or farms can be seen and evidence of past Highland clearances as well as illustrating the hard life of farming in this unfertile moorland where in today’s harsh economic climate even sheep farming is a struggle.
Keywords: Scotland, Scottish, Grampian, Aberdeenshire, Highlands, Cabrach, Strathdon, rural, landscape, spring, ruined, ruins, house, windswept, granite, stone, roofless, desolate, hill, Creagdearg, Longlands, Whitehillock, Elrick, heather, moorland, land-use, barren, grass, rugged, sheep, clearances, derelict, farm, farms, farming, agriculture, hill, rugged, hard